72 Hour Freedom Challenge 2.0: My Honest Review (2024)

Wow, another affiliate marketing course promising quick results? Hold up! Before you roll your eyes, let me tell you, Jonathan Montoya’s 72 Hour Freedom Challenge might just be the real deal.

Did you know that 81% of brands rely on affiliate marketing? That’s huge!

In this review, we’ll dive deep into the 72 Hour Challenge, a.k.a., the 3-Day Challenge, and see if it’s the shortcut to affiliate success you’ve been looking for. Buckle up, because we’re about to unpack this course faster than you can say “passive income”!

What is the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge?

The 72 Hour Challenge is an affiliate marketing bootcamp that compresses weeks of learning into just three action-packed days.

Montoya’s teaching style is all about quick wins and practical steps. No fluff, no filler—just pure, actionable content to launch your affiliate marketing career.

Here’s the course structure and timeline:

Day 1: The Freedom Roadmap

Day 2: The Automated Sales System Using An Unfair Tool

Day 3: 3 Secret Traffic Methods for Fast Results

72 Hour Freedom Challenge Curriculum

Every day, you’re advancing on your path from being a beginner to becoming a skilled affiliate marketer. The progress is steady and logical, boosting your confidence along the way.

Who is Jonathan Montoya?

Jonathan Montoya -Founder of 72 Hour Freedom Challenge

Jonathan Montoya is not like those internet gurus who just want to sell you an American dream. He is a genuine success story in affiliate marketing. When he left his engineering job from 9 to 5, he started a successful online business that made him seven figures.

His goal now is to help others achieve the same level of success. He has bundled his expertise into a focused, 72 Hour Freedom Challenge to guide you through the process.

Why did Jonathan create the 72 Hour Challenge?

It all started when he noticed something missing in the market. Sure, there were many detailed affiliate marketing courses available, but they tended to be complex and could leave beginners feeling lost.

What was lacking was a straightforward, practical program tailored for newcomers eager to dive right in.  Jonathan had a clear goal in mind: to design a practical course that would help beginners earn their first affiliate commission within three days.

By blending his tech knowledge, marketing experience, and teaching talent, he crafted the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge. He packed his course with years of experience, extensive testing, and a wealth of affiliate marketing knowledge into a complete 72 Hour package.

It’s like he’s handing you the keys to the affiliate kingdom; all you need to do is fire up the engine and hit the road!

72 Hour Freedom Challenge 2.0 Curriculum Breakdown

Sure, let’s get into the core of the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge! This fast-paced, three-day program aims to jumpstart your affiliate marketing adventure. It’s intense, not a walk in the park, but if you’re up for it and willing to put in the effort, you’re in for an exciting experience!

Day 1: The Freedom Roadmap

72 Hour Challenge - Day 1

When you begin, you’ll get to know “The Freedom Roadmap” on day one. Isn’t that intriguing? It really is! This is when Jonathan sets the foundation for your success in affiliate marketing.

72 Hour Challenge - Day 1 - Checklist


  • You will first learn the key principles of affiliate marketing. It’s more than just putting links on a site and crossing your fingers for luck!
  • You’ll know about the mindset required for success. Trust me, a big part of the challenge is in your mindset!
  • Choosing the right niche is crucial; if you pick the wrong one, you’re starting off on the wrong foot.
  • By the day’s end, you’ll learn how to create engaging content that attracts the audience you want.

Day 2: The Automated Sales System Using An Unfair Tool

On the second day, Jonathan brings in something quite exciting. He’s got this so-called “unfair tool” that really makes a big impact!

72 Hour Challenge - Day 2

  • You’re going to dive deep into this tool that can change the game. (Spoiler: it’s about automating your affiliate marketing business.)
  • Jonathan will guide you through setting up your automated system, one step at a time. There is no need to be a tech expert!
  • You’ll discover the power of automation, which can’t only save you loads of time but also accelerate the growth of your business beyond your imagination.
  • Dive into real-life examples where fellow affiliates have harnessed this system to boost their profits significantly. It’s truly amazing to see what’s possible!

Day 3: 3 Secret Traffic Methods for Fast Results

On the last day, the focus is on making sure people notice what you have to offer. Because having a fantastic product is pointless if no one knows about it, right?

72 Hour Challenge - Day 3

  • Jonathan shares his top three traffic techniques. I won’t give it all away now, but these are not your usual “share on social media” tips!
  • You’ll find the pros and cons of each method to help you make proper decisions. The aim is to provide you with clear guidance on what works well and what doesn’t.
  • Jonathan gives practical advice on how to put these tactics into practice. It’s not just talk; you’ll have clear steps to follow after this meeting.
  • At the end of the day, there’s a plan to merge these techniques for the best results. It’s like a powerful combination that will drive a lot of traffic!

Pros & Cons of 72 Hour Freedom Challenge

Let’s be honest, time equals money in affiliate marketing. And that’s where Jonathan Montoya’s 72 Hour Freedom Challenge steps in.

Pros of 72 Hour Challenge:

This program is a game-changer, with a bunch of perks that could kickstart your career in affiliate marketing. So, what sets 72 Hour Freedom Challenge apart? Let’s dive in and find out!

Pros of 72 Hour Challenge

1.) Quick learning curve: Mastering basics in just 3 days

In just 3 days, this challenge is all about speeding up your learning process and teaching you the basics of affiliate marketing quickly.

  • It’s straightforward and packed with valuable information without any unnecessary details.
  • It’s ideal for busy individuals or those with a hectic timetable.
  • This challenge prevents you from feeling overwhelmed by too much information and overthinking things.

2.) Practical, actionable strategies for instant implementation

Forget theories; it’s all about getting results! Jonathan doesn’t just talk; he walks you through each step.

  • Every lesson includes practical tasks for you to do.
  • As you move forward, you will build the foundation for your affiliate marketing.
  • By the third day, you’ll have your affiliate marketing system up and running smoothly.

3.) Access to Jonathan’s expertise and proven methods

Let’s face it, who would you prefer to learn from? Someone who has simply “studied” affiliate marketing or someone who has excelled at it? Jonathan Montoya is the real deal, having not only been through it all but also being willing to spill the beans to help you out.

  • Tap into Jonathan’s wealth of experience and the lessons learned through trial and error.
  • Discover exclusive hacks and strategies that standard marketing classes won’t teach you.

4.) Potential for fast results with the “unfair tool” and traffic methods

I want to be clear that you won’t become super wealthy by day 4 (if someone says that, be wary!). However, the techniques you’ll pick up in this course are meant to speed up your journey to making money.

  • The “unfair tool” might just give you a big advantage over your rivals.
  • Jonathan’s ways to attract traffic are all about getting quick wins and growing fast.
  • Right from the start, you’ll discover how to make sure your website is set up to bring in more sales.

Look, I’ll be straight with you, the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge isn’t a quick fix. Succeeding in affiliate marketing still demands hard work, effort, determination, and a readiness to grow and adjust.

However, if you want a straightforward, intense way to dive into the realm of affiliate marketing, this course offers exactly that.

Cons of 72 Hour Challenge

Let’s be honest here for a second. Although Jonathan Montoya’s 72 Hour Freedom Challenge has its perks, it’s not all smooth sailing. Just like any other course or program out there, it comes with its downsides.

Cons of 72 Hour Challenge

As someone who’s here to give you the honest truth about affiliate marketing, I want to show you both the good and the bad sides of this freedom challenge.

1.) Intense pace may be overwhelming for some learners

Learning the basics of affiliate marketing in just three days can be overwhelming for some people.

  • You may find yourself hurrying through, possibly overlooking crucial points.
  • With topics coming at you one after another, there’s not much room to pause and truly grasp each one.

We’re all unique individuals with our own ways of learning. Some of us excel when things get intense, while others prefer to take it slow, allowing ideas to sink in over time.

2.) Success not guaranteed and may vary based on individual effort

Let’s face it, affiliate marketing doesn’t come with guarantees. Even with a thorough program like the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge, your outcomes depend on the effort you invest.

  • Results vary; some learners might gain early victories, while it could take others months to witness progress.
  • Many factors, like market trends, competitive intensity, and the niche you select, might impact your success.

Just a friendly reminder: Jonathan can provide you with the roadmap, but ultimately, it’s up to you to take the wheel. Keep in mind, sometimes reaching your destination might require more than just 72 hours.

3.) Not a “get rich quick” scheme

If you’re hoping for a quick fix to start making loads of money effortlessly, I have to break it to you, that magic button is just a myth. And guess what? The 72 Hour Freedom Challenge doesn’t claim to offer that-either.

  • To succeed in affiliate marketing, you need to put in regular effort and be patient.
  • It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. Creating a stable income stream doesn’t happen overnight.
  • It usually takes months, sometimes even years (depends on you). The tactics you learn have to be put into action and honed gradually. It’s a process of trial-and-error.

The 72 Hour Challenge is just the beginning, not the end. It’s meant to provide you with a strong base and the necessary resources to kick off your affiliate marketing adventure.

However, transforming that knowledge into a successful business? Well, that’s all up to you, buddy.

Who is this 72 hour Freedom challenge for?

  • You’re an action-taker.
  • You’re someone who’s always up for a challenge, with a can-do attitude.
  • You want to earn passive income and want financial freedom.
  • You enjoy tackling difficult tasks, and pressure brings out the best in you.
  • You’re open to mastering new tools.
  • You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and apply your new knowledge.
  • If you’re in a 9-to-5 job and want to build a side hustle without quitting your day job.

72 Hour Freedom Challenge 2.0 Pricing: Is It Worth the Investment?

The 72 Hour Freedom Challenge offers intense training and great value, but guess what?

It only costs $9!

That’s right, just NINE DOLLARS!

Why would it be the best option for you?

1.) Affordable entry point: At $9, Jonathan Montoya has priced this course to be accessible to almost everyone. It’s less than a fancy coffee and sandwich!

2.) Low-risk investment: Worried about wasting money on another online course? At this price point, the financial risk is minimal.

3.) Value for money: Consider the potential return on investment. If you implement what you learn, that $9 could turn into much, much more.

4.) No excuses: Let’s be honest, at this price, the “it’s too expensive” excuse goes right out the window.

Take the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge

Questions to ask yourself before getting in the challenge

  • Are you ready to commit to 72 hours or more of focused learning?
  • Are you okay with the course fees?
  • Are you at ease learning and using basic online tools and platforms?
  • Do you understand the level of effort needed to succeed in affiliate marketing?

Be honest with yourself here. It’s better to realize now if this isn’t the right fit, rather than halfway through the course!

Real Results: Student Success Stories

Here are some real results of the students that took the 72 Hour Challenge and sharing their victories after they learn and started earning.

72 Hour Challenge: Real Results 1 72 Hour Challenge: Real Results 3


72 Hour Challenge: Real Results 4 72 Hour Challenge: Real Results 7

72 Hour Challenge: Real Results 5 72 Hour Challenge: Real Results 6 

What’s my take on this?

If you have a slight interest in affiliate marketing, then this $9 investment is a no-brainer. It offers you the opportunity to gain insights from an experienced individual at a cost lower than that of a movie ticket.

But remember, the real price of this course is the 72 hours of your time and attention.

Are you willing to invest in that? Because that’s where the real value lies.

Take the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge


Wow, we really dug deep into Jonathan Montoya’s 72 Hour Freedom Challenge in this review. We touched on everything from the intense curriculum to the possible advantages and disadvantages, so now you have a full picture of what’s in store.

Keep in mind, making it big in affiliate marketing takes time, but this program could be the boost you’ve been looking for!

Are you prepared to dive in and change how you approach affiliate marketing in only 72 hours? It’s up to you! Whether you opt to participate in the challenge or check out different possibilities, the important thing is to take that first step and kickstart your journey towards financial independence right now.

Who knows? In just three days, you might be on your way to becoming the next big success in affiliate marketing!

Take the 72 Hour Freedom Challenge Now